Work With Me!
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The Funnel Factory
Copy Quickie VIP Day
Recurring Words (Retainer)

Copy isn't written - it's assembled

You know your business in and out. And since you've made it this far in your business, you've probably have been writing copy for a while now (but might pass out if you have to think of another witty way to say JUST HURRY UP AND BUY THIS).

But - copywriting is so much more than creative, witty words on a pretty sales page.

It's the seamless integration of...
📃 Psychology (from data & science, not The 48 Laws of Power)
📃 Tons and TONS of market research
📃 Ability to write in different, unique and engaging voices
📃 A deep understanding and empathy for the audience you are writing for

And of course knowing how to wrap that in a bow of words that sound sweet and sell without you having to yell.

I organize and remix the brilliance in your head so that it connects with your client audience on the page (while still sounding like you).
That's what I do to get my clients results like....
💃🏾 51% landing page conversion rates
💃🏾Email open rates between 30-45% (more than double industry standard)
💃🏾 SOLD OUT spots to their flagship programs
💃🏾 *bonus* messages in my inbox like "OMG you took the words right out my head!" (spoiler alert, I didn't - see previous bullets).

I'd LOVE to help you do the same!


As much as I consider myself a word wizard...
Creating good (converting) funnel copy is much more industrial than magical.
There are so many pieces and parts that need to be gathered and assembled in a funnel. The Funnel Factory takes you through a systematic process so you feel fully supported and confident in every piece of your launch copy.

I created the 3x4 Methodology to guide my clients through the systematic process it truly takes to takes to write high-converting copy.



The core of ethical and effective sales is storytelling. I help you sort out which core stories to tell and how to tell them in in a way that opens hearts AND wallets using bonafide copy techniques (that don't require exploiting extra *vulnerable moments*). BAM!  *Emeril voice


There's plenty of creative flow when it comes to copy, but science and data drive conversions (read: $$$). I help strategize your offer, message & positioning to write copy to ensure your funnel is cohesive and primed to convert.


Bottom line: If the copy's not sellin, it's not workin. The combination of human & sales psychology, data, empathy, and voice of customer research drives persuasive copy that pops off the page and fills your program/community with clients as amazing as you are.


Phase 1

The best copy can't fix a muddled message! We establish a strong foundation through discovery + research to make sure your copy works as hard as you do. This is the foundation of your new conversion copy!

Phase 2

Here we get the star sales page done! With the starting sales page written, we then knock out the bench - err *supporting* players: landing page and thank you page to make sure we alley-oop your first impression. BAM!

Phase 3

I string together your most relevant core stories (our research from Phase 1 goes hard here) with my signature Story Stitch method to make sure your emails get read and get bread ($).

Phase 4

We review the funnel in design to make sure all the copy sounds as lit in design as it did on the doc before we send your copy off to cart open. Don't worry - no (cart) abandonment here. I stick around for any additional support and tweaks you may need.

SO! Are you ready to...
✅ Meet (and exceed) your launch goals
✅ Sell with (more) ease - without 'bro-markety' level sleaze
✅ Leverage your unique voice and message to call in your ideal clients

Your boomin' business wasn't built in a day. But at least your copy can be. *Expert Assistance Required


Step 0: 
Fill out a short and sweet Google form so I can get to know you and your biz.

P.S. Don't worry, this experience is truly VIP. No long questionnaires needed (because you're hiring ME to write). Relax and do your thang.

Once I receive your form, I get back to you within 72 hours to schedule your big day! If for some reason we're not a match, I'll provide a short guide with pointers and next steps.

Once we confirm our Copy Quickie date...


Step 1: 
We start off the day with a 2 hour call where I talk you through everything I need. No revising, rewriting and overthinking your answers (I know how it goes) - I'm there to coax all the copy critical info right in the moment. And don't worry, you can talk with your mouth full of breakfast and coffee!

Step 2:
After our call, you can continue to #treatyoself while I write like I'm running out of time! I'll ping you if I need anything.
P.S. In case it wasn't clear, I do this part without you 🎉

Step 3:
At the end of the day, I deliver a recorded Loom video with notes where I walk you through your shiny brand new copy so you know exactly what's going on and why.

BUT WAIT - there's more!
After our Copy Quckie, you have email access to me for 30 whole days to...
📝Make edits
📝Ask any additional questions about your copy. I know sometimes it takes more than 48 hours for questions/concerns to come up, designs to break, dogs to eat copy, etc... so I'm available to cheer you on and support you after your copy has been out in the wild!


For now, please email if you are interested in hiring me on a monthly basis for your email sequences, website updates, pillar blog posts etc!
Please note there is a 3-month minimum commitment for all retainer work.

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